Naturally Eliminate Fibroids Without Surgery

Naturally Eliminate Fibroids Without Surgery
March 7, 2017 Marcia Robinson

Many women have fibroid tumors, which often causes excruciating pain and heavy menstrual periods. Fibroid tumors are  composed of fibrous tissue which generally occur in women during their reproductive years and shrink or disappear after menopause.

Cause of Fibroid Tumors

Their cause is not fully known, though estrogen is considered a primary factor in their growth. This also accounts for why when you often have fibroids removed and another one grows. If you don’t get to the root hormonal cause, fibroid tumors often come back.

Conventional medicine’s solution to fibroid tumors is very often a hysterectomy or other type of surgery and medications – none of which guarantees that fibroids will not return. Often you can shrink or eliminate fibroid tumors by addressing their source cause and utilizing remedies which create an environment that will not feed their growth.

Symptoms of Fibroid Tumors

* Abnormal bleeding, sometimes severe enough to cause anemia

* Menstrual pain

* Swollen abdomen

Fibroids can also cause infertility.

Fibroid tumors fall into the following three categories:

*Subserous tumors appear outside of the uterus.
*Intramural tumors are confined to the wall of the uterus.
*Submucous tumors appear inside the uterus.

Remedies to Fibroid Tumors

* Avoiding birth control pills can help prevent fibroid growth. Just as these tumors grow faster during pregnancy, their growth is also accelerated by birth control pills containing estrogen.

* Pesticides and herbicides used on food products are also estrogen mimicking products and should be  avoided

* Tampons and napkins bleached with chlorine can also mimic estrogen.

(Read…to-your-health/ )

Remedies For Shrinking/Eliminating Fibroid Tumors

The following remedies  may be effective in shrinking or eliminating fibroid tumors as well as alleviating discomfort and symptoms:

1. Fibroids can be reduced by consuming at least three servings of whole grains and/or beans daily. Whole grain and beans also protect against breast and endometrial cancer.

2. Eliminating excess estrogen will result in shrinking fibroids. Dandelion, milk thistle, and yellow dock herbs may help to metabolize estrogen from the body.

3. Systemic Enzymes naturally destroys scar tissue. Uterine fibroids are scar tissue. Supplement with Systemic enzymes may destroy and naturally eliminate uterine fibroids from your body. Remember Systemic Enzymes must be taken on an empty stomach to be effective.