Anger today is often the result of rejection and hurts from yesterday, often childhood. As long as you hide those painful feelings, you continue to allow the person who rejected or hurt you to continue doing it to you. Solution:…
Help Lessen Asthma Attacks by: 1. Slow breathing into brown paper bag may avert attack. 2. Sit with hands behind head to expand lungs 3. Place a little mineral sea salt under tongue 4. Extra magnesium Vit C & B5,…
As I sit her this morning thinking about Myles Monroe and his wife, I’m sure yesterday this time he was doing his usual preparation for his sermon. He had no idea he/they would not live to see the sun set.…
“Getting old does not make us sick. Getting sick makes us old.” This is a quote from Tim Morrow and it’s very true. You only have one body. Take care of it. You can have the best job, the biggest…
Sustained high cortisol levels destroy healthy muscle and bone, slow down healing and normal cell regeneration, co-opt biochemicals needed to make other vital hormones, impair digestion, metabolism and mental function, interfere with healthy endocrine function; and weaken your immune system.…